James Cruickshank, freelance art director & Berend Brüdgam, freelance copywriter

Campaign ideas, brand development, all media, just ask us.

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Some insights about us and our work, strictly fact-based. Only in German, but you'll still get it. Note: A very few parts were created using AI.
DoorDash​​​​​​​ launch campaign
Social Ads Instagram
Social Ads Instagram
Stunt "50% off"
Stunt "50% off"
 Pre-launch teaser
Pre-launch teaser
Campaign to introduce the US delivery service DoorDash in Stuttgart, Germany.
ALDI brand manual
Aldi Markenhandbuch
A 200-page brand manual for the German discount supermarket chain ALDI. Imagery, tone of voice, brand manifesto and design principles.
U21Freizeitkarte Niedersachsen
Instagram social ads & instagram stories
Campaign for a particularly cheap monthly public transport ticket. Target group: people under 21. The product with the awkward name was well received.
mydays campaign "mydays. Our Stories"
The brand rejuvenation of Germany's leading company for shared experiences.
Bisley campaign "Perfectly organised"
Saturn campaign “Evolution of Technology”
Saturn Kampagne digital
A campaign for Germany’s biggest electronics retailer. 
ING relaunch campaign
The new brand communication for the bank ING-DiBa with Dirk Nowitzki as a testimonial.
Skoda campaign "Count Me In"
At the Ice Hockey World Championship, all fans could support their team by voting. The “scores” of the voting were displayed on the microsite, in the app and in the stadium.
Skoda campaign “What is it about the Octavia?”
Skoda Kampagne What is it about the Octavia?
Free Democratic Party (FDP)
Accompanying campaign for the successful realignment of the Free Democrats (FDP) in Germany.
MINI microsite for the MINI Clubman​​​​​​​
Mini Microsite Clubman
A web special in which the MINI Clubman is advertised as a car for the whole family. In this case it's a gangster family.
Mercedes-Benz TVC "Stork"
Mercedes-Benz campaign "Working Animal"
Mercedes-Benz Kampagne Arbeitstier
Opel launch campaign for the Corsa-e model
BIONADE spectacular “Thank you Hamburg”​​​​​​​
Bionade Aktion Danke Hamburg
The success story of the lemonade, which is very popular in Germany, began in Hamburg. The brand said thank you with a monument made of 6,000 BIONADE boxes at the port of Hamburg.
Ford TVC "Little Girl"
WMF TVC "Sharp Knives"
Pringle of Scotland
Villeroy & Boch brand campaign
Villeroy & Boch brochure “World of Bathrooms”
Villeroy & Boch Katalog Welt der Bäder
DUMMY Magazine editorial "Chocolate cigarettes"
Dummy Magazin Editorial
An article on the topic of “happiness” in the DUMMY magazine: “Luckily they exist: cigarettes made of chocolate”. The feature made it down to the front page.